Moses (Exodus 3) | Craft 1


This Moses and the burning bush craft is simple enough for younger kids if pre-cut and open ended enough to allow older children to experiment with colour placing techniques. The burning bush did not burn and yet it was engulfed in fire, it is the central symbol of this story. I’ve gone to great lengths to make sure this craft needs no craft knife or windows cut into the paper, it works perfectly well on printer paper or thin card and is available to print in colour, partial colour (Moses left blank) or outline.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, some sticky tape, and something to add colour with – stamps, pens, crayons, paint, tissue paper, the possibilities are vast.

For printing in full colour PDF – 1 page
For printing in partial colour (recommended) PDF – 1 page
For printing in outline only PDF – 1 page


Cut out the long rectangle piece.


The important area is the space indicated by the arrows – this needs to be be filled with colour, if your kids with to fill more that’s ok too.


I chose paint stampers but how you add colour is totally up to you, if you’ve had some oil crayons rolling around, some stamp pads, candy wrappers – the only word of warning is not to have too much sticking up to catch on edges.


Get decorating – the longer your decorations the more you can make the flames ‘flicker’ as you pull the paper along. If you leave at least one side of the indicated box clear you can make the ‘no-fire’ setup.


While your creation is drying (if needed) cut out the second part. The cutting doesn’t need to be exact but generally cutting just to one side of the line (cutting off the line) is better.


If you have young children this cutting is a step you’ll almost certainly have to prep in advance. Then it is a simple fold along the lines setup.


Both sides fold around to the back so the illustrations show.


Once folded the layers will overlap slightly. choose which looks better on the top.


Though not necessary a small piece of tape to secure the pieces in place helps at this point.


Now carefully slide your decorated piece inside.


Moses came close… God spoke!




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