Mordecai (Esther 2) | Craft 2


This Kings Gate paper craft is super swift and easy way to show Mordecai as he overhears the guards plans – it could also be used as a prop with the Esther lesson finger puppets.

Please note there are no pictures or instructions on this template.


For this craft you will need the one page pdf printed on paper or thin card, scissors and a glue stick.

For printing in Colour PDF – one page
For printing with NO Colour PDF – one page


Cut out the characters, the arch and the columns excluding the slits.


Make a column by adding glue to the end tab and curling the paper into a cylinder shape. If you find this tough then you can always fold the column in half, then half again to make a square pillar!


Carefully cut the 2 slits at the base and top of the column. If you do this before it weakens the structure and alters the shape.


Once you have both columns made take the arch and slide it into the slits from the top.


Slide the securing pieces in from the bottom so the arch lays flush against the ground.


Glue your characters straight onto the columns to complete the craft
If you are using the finger puppets then cut paper strips to make supports for the solders, they are already the correct size!




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$ 24