Miriam (Exodus 2) | Game


These is a moment of wonder in this story that this really simple little craft encompasses, it’s the moment when, as Miriam watches, the basket is opened and the baby Moses is revealed. This is one of those super quick crafts you could give the children to do themselves or it could easily be used as a game where you set off lots of baskets and get the kids to guess which one holds Moses.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors and the PDF printout. To play with it you need water that is flat – a standard dish will suffice – and the process is very much improved by making the water warm!

For printing in Colour PDF – 1 page
For printing in reduced colour PDF – 1 page
For printing everything with No colour PDF – 1 page


Simply cut out the basket and Moses, there are 2 to a page.


Place Moses inside the basket on the white side.


Fold every tab inwards, revealing the basket pattern


once all the tabs are folded in it should look like this.


Gently drop the basket into the water and watch, it may happen quite slowly.

Please note : the process will ruin the paper and drying out the paper doesn’t work!




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