Miriam (Exodus 2) | Craft


Miriam’s simple acceptance of the situation, her fast feet and logical thinking are really what ties this story together. So often this story becomes all about baskets and babies and the comparative opulence of the palace over the slave-hood of the mother, but Miriam’s simple and straightforward actions are more easily grasped for a child.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, sticky tape, a split pin, glue or a craft stick (optional) and the PDF printout. I’d recommend printing on thin card or backing onto card.

For printing in Colour PDF – 1 page
For printing everything with No colour PDF – 1 page


Cut out the three pieces – Miriam, the feet, and the handle. Leave the feet as a circle! If you have printed without colour it may be good to add a little colour at this point.


Fold the handle and glue the sides together. Alternatively cut to just the middle rectangle and glue onto a craft stick.


Where the circles indicate make holes through all layers of the handle, the feet wheel and Miriam.


Use either a split pin or a hair slide to join the pieces through the holes. Make sure the handle is the middle layer. Tape the handle to the back of Miriam so it doesn’t rotate.


Hold the handle and walk Miriam along the floor or table top, how fast can you make her run. Talk about how she may have been feeling running along, talk about what makes her a hero in this story (speed, loyalty, obedience, compassion, logic, fast thinking, bravery)




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$ 24