Martha & Mary (Luke 10) | Story

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Martha is today’s Bible hero because she showed us the gift of Time.

Essential Teachers notes:
This story is more traditionally referred to as Mary and Martha –
but as Mary is a character in so many stories we are focusing on Martha here.

While I have written out a story page this story is one that is suitable to be read straight from the Bible. If you have older children who are confident readers I would suggest you give them the real text and ask them to act out the scene.

Main Passage: Luke 10 : 38-42

Have you every had lots and lots and lots of work to do? Lots of things can make us busy and take our time. What things make you busy, what jobs do you have to do?

(allow the children to respond. think about jobs linked to school, linked to the household, linked to personal hygiene)

We have so many things we need to do. People in the bible had lots of things they had to do as well.
Today’s story is about a very busy woman named Martha, and her sister Mary.

Martha and Mary did everything together,
They collected the water in the morning together
They swept the house together
They washed the clothes and hung out the washing together
They lit the fire together
They kneaded the dough and made the bread together
They baked the cakes together
and they cleaned up the pots up together…..

But one day Martha found she was doing everything alone. Mary wasn’t by the well, or in the kitchen, she wasn’t sweeping the main room or hanging out the washing. Mary was sitting on the floor, doing nothing but listening to the men speak.

Martha was hurt. It wasn’t fair that Mary didn’t have to do any of the work. Martha went into the room with all the men. She passed Peter sitting on the chair, John by the door, Matthew, who was leaning against the wall, Thomas, Philip and Bartholomew. In the middle of the room Mary was sitting by Jesus feet. Jesus stopped speaking and looked up at Martha waiting for her to say something.

“Lord” Martha said, “don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?” Jesus looked at Mary, and back at Martha but didn’t say anything. Martha tried again “Tell her to help me!”

“Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it,”

Jesus and Mary shared a smile. “Mary has chosen to be here, she has chosen the main course, and won’t be taken from her.” said Jesus.

Martha understood then. The dirty the pots could wait, the chores could wait, now it was time to be with Jesus. Martha sat down next to Mary and listened as Jesus started talking about God and his kingdom.

Martha is today’s Bible Hero because she showed us the gift of time



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