Love is (1 Corinthians 13) | Craft

love is craft animation

Moving crafts are always a hit, and this one swipes from a very plain heart into one full of colour. It’s not got any tricky cutting, either! The hope, faith and love tie nicely into the passage, leaving the opportunity to use the piece as a conversation starter as to why Paul chose those 3 words.

love is craft setup

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, and sticky tape (you can even use a stapler if you are in a rush!).

love is craft stage 1

Add colour if required, then cut out the four boxes and along the solid grey lines.

love is craft stage 2

Slide pieces 2 and 4 together, so they make a complete heart.

love is craft stage 3

Slide piece 1 into the slit, so it only covers the top of the heart.

love is craft stage 4

Slide piece 3 in place between pieces 2 and 4 to complete the black and white heart.

love is craft stage 5

Line up the hearts and tape the exposed grey lines.

love is craft completed

Hold in your left hand and spin to see the colour appear.

the Milosevic Family

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

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US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

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