Lot (Genesis 13) | Game

Do you use a screen or a computer in your classroom? If so this is for you.


This Lot and Abram’s sheep sorting game is an engaging independent play task, introducing the character images for both Lot and Abram while reinforcing a key part of the story. Use as a welcome activity, station activity, a time filler at the end of a session.

Try it out below (click the post title if you can’t see it) or play full screen by using this link.

This is the first game I’ve done, please do leave me a comment to let me know what you think.

Green flag = Reset
Mouse click – Play (or play again) to enter the game
Lead the sheep to the relevant person.
No need to click the sheep, they follow your mouse once you have touched them!

This game is made in a flash based program. Sadly some tablets do not support flash based programming including my own. Until I find a solution to the compatibility issue, or improve my programming ability, I offer my apologies.

It may take a second for this to load up!




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$ 24