Lamp Lighter (Luke 11) | Games




This story about the lamp lighter or the underlying passages about lamps and lamp stands are key Christian concepts for kids to grapple with. They use a very tactile and easy to demonstrate element – light. As such all these games play on the idea of light and vision and may need a darkened environment to work fully. Please check if your teaching area can have dimmed light before selecting the best activity for your group.



Catch the light – A beautifully simple game for little ones using multiple bright torches – have the group close their eyes while the adults or older kids shine the light into a given spot. when the kids open their eyes they must catch the light spot on their palm. this only works if the torch is placed or held stationary. talk about where light comes from and how it’s position effects how light the room is.


Long burn – There is something special about working with real light and flame. If you have a small group then this very basic science experiment will be great. Have a line of candles and different sized glasses to cover them with and one non-transparent object like a mug. Have the kids predict which candle will go out first. you could also try different coloured glasses. Talk about how the non-transparent container stopped us from seeing the light and how the light needed oxygen from inside the glass to burn. End by saying the candle that burns the longest is the one not covered at all.


Blind mans buff – If your group needs to squeal and get the wriggles out this is a classic involving a blindfold and catching people. remind the group that the catcher can’t see but they can hear. talk about how dark the blindfold is and how we need light to see.


Uncover my light – This is a really simple parachute game that involves a dark room and a bright lantern. Place the lantern beneath the parachute and position the kids around the edge. Call out the name of one child to be lit, the rest of the group push the parachute to the floor while the chosen child raises the parachute up to light themselves. You could also call out everyone, or nobody or the rooms distinguishing features like the door.


High glow – Great for slightly older groups give each child a glow stick that is already glowing. Tell them they must hide the light. Once every light is hid slowly reveal whose was hid the highest. Then get them to repeat the process in pairs and teams. Is it harder to hide light when there are more glow sticks? Is it easier to spot peoples light when it is higher or lower?


Under the baskets – Use a selection of baskets or tubs to hide things under. Slowly provide the kids with clue as to what each object is until they guess it. Have one light. If possible have some items that may make a noise or smell so when the basket is lifted the kids don’t need to look to see what it is. Talk about how we identify items and how they may be different when covered / uncovered. If you have time you can play track the basket with the light under.





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