King Xerxes (Esther 6) | Games


The hero in this story is the King Xerxes who honours Mordecai’s actions. These simple game ideas can be used, or any from the ‘Purim’ set which includes Esther and Mordecai.

Spin the crown – The child must spin the crown on it’s narrow edge, complete a given task, and retrieve the crown before it falls. Use any size hoop for the crown and set the task as far away as possible. Tasks could be a simple running course, putting on clothing, moving objects from place to place or solving a simple puzzle.

Just rewards – This idea can be incorporated into any game. Play 5 minute to win it games (here’s a lit of challenges). When one person completes the challenge, or wins, move onto the next selecting a different person to start. Reward winners with a small sweet for the first, 3rd, 4th and 5th games. If the winner of the second game asks for a reward say you have heard them and thank you for the reminder. At the end sit the youngsters down and ask them to review the games, which did they enjoy more. Ask the winner of the second game how it felt not to be rewarded.

Hidden messages – look up words in a concordance that matches the bible you have on hand. Give the children 5 of the verses that contain that word and get them to find the word they have in common. For example : Leviticus 11:10, 2 Kings 19:24, Proverbs 5:16, Isaiah 44:3 & Matthew 7:27 – Streams (NIV)

Pass the crown – This is a beautifully simple game, make a quick paper crown or use any hat, sit the children in a circle and pass the crown around until the music stops. The person with the crown then gets to wear it and make a decree that everyone must follow until the music starts eg : i decree everyone make the sound of a cat or I decree everyone dance!





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$ 7