Jonathan (1 Samuel 20) | Craft 1


Shoot that arrow and say the code… sometimes you just need a basic craft that won’t tie you in knots trying to figure out how to get it looking right… thank God for the humble split pin. This is a craft for those groups that love colouring, for those who really only have a few minutes and those who know they will have to do all the cutting in advance.


For this craft you will need both pages of the PDF, a craft knife, scissors and a split pin.

For printing in Colour PDF – two page
For printing with NO Colour PDF – two page


I’d recommend construction before colouring if you are using the no colour printing option. First cut out your wheel.


Cut along the dotted line with a craft knife. If you don’t have a craft knife then this can be done with scissors and the extra slit closed with some sticky tape on the back!


Use your split pin to make a hole in the wheel and the background then attach the two together.


gently bend your wheel so that you can slide it into the slit.




Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 24