Jesus in the Desert (Mark 1) | Craft

Jesus wandered for 40 days in the blazing sun and dry air of the desert. This craft uses the verse from Marks Gospel and a simple split pin spin to show the endless days.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a stand-alone craft that has no accompanying lesson at this time.

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, a split pin (brad), awl or hole punch, and glue. If possible, print on thin card.

Cut out the 2 shapes and the person of Jesus.

There are 2 small white circles where you need to make a hole using an awl or hole punch.

Thread the split pin though the two holes.

Turn over your creation and open up the split pin.

Place a small amount of glue on the reverse side of Jesus and stick over the split pin. (I glued only where the feet would be.)

Spin your creation to read the verse and watch the sun rise and set. If you want you can draw on some angels and animals.

the Milosevic Family

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

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US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

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