James and John (Mark 10) | Craft 3

James and John have 2 main crafts and this little extra. This is an extension of the worksheet activity where the children trace the correct items onto the pictures of James and John – here they assemble the items like you would a paper dolls clothes.

I would recommend this craft for younger groups, and those not using the worksheet.
The kids will probably want to try all the different combinations which makes this is a good discussion launching activity.
James and John


For this craft you will need scissors, a glue stick a piece of paper to mount onto, and the PDF printout (contains 2 sheets, one in colour one in black and white outlines).


Simply cut out all of the shapes (after you have coloured them) and piece back together. There are dotted cutting lines to make it simpler to cut out! This picture shows every item for reference.

Want to make this reusable – try using adhesive backed or printable magnetic sheets and give them to the children with a flat baking sheet!




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$ 7