Incomplete: A New Apostle (Acts 1) | Craft 2

A new Apostle: action cube craft

The decision to add Matthias to the apostles was determined by lot. This could mean so many things, drawing straws, flipping coins or rolling dice to name a few. This choosing dice craft for the younger ones makes dice that determine actions too.

A new Apostle: action cube craft setup

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, glue and scissors.

A new Apostle: action cube craft cut

Cut out the large shape.

A new Apostle: action cube craft fold

Fold every line as a mountain fold (ink on the outside).
By using this layout, you are folding the squares against themselves, which I found simpler.

A new Apostle: action cube craft assemble

Add glue to all the tabs and then, starting at one end, begin to glue the cube together.
The six sides of the dice read : pray, listen, jump, run, hop, and shush!

the Milosevic Family

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

Download colour

US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

Download colour



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$ 24