Healing at the Pool (John 5) | Craft 1


Some crafts open our eyes to a point in the story we sometimes forget to really examine. This little scene shows Jesus finding the yet to be healed invalid by the pool. It opens us to questions about the other ill people who witnessed this encounter, to questions about how the pool was seen to be healing and how we sometimes give up on our dreams. It’s also a rare JWL craft that’s best printed without colour so the children can add their own details in.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, glue, and the printout. I also used a ruler to help make the folds, though any straight edge like (eg a craft stick) would work too!
For printing in Colour PDF – 1 page
For printing only the people with No colour PDF – 1 page *recommended
For printing everything with No colour PDF – 1 page


Start by adding your colour. I’d recommend the option where the people need colour added, this stops your kids from spending ages colouring the water! Once done cut out all 3 pieces – feel free to cut round the lady and Jesus roughly, it really looks ok and is much easier!


Grab the big piece and get folding. First make sure the archways have been removed from one end. Then fold the one mountain fold along the top edge of the step into the water.


All the reminding folds are valley folds, that means the coloured side will touch the coloured side and you won’t be able to see the line. I lined up a ruler and folded upwards.

Start at the top with the column folds.



Moving down the next fold is along the base of the other columns, this line is broken by people but just fold right over them!



The last fold is at the water edge this line is not clearly defined so just place it roughly where the stone and water meet.



The only folds left are on the two extra characters, fold their stands backwards.



Grab the glue stick and stick those columns in place, there are boxes on the floor to show where they go.



Finish your scene by adding in the two remaining characters with a drop of glue.




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