The four men were called to follow, to walk in the dust of a rabbi, becoming like him and learning to fish for men. These games all hang on the ideas of calling, imitating and fishing.
Magnet men
Make up fishing poles using a dowel, string, and a magnet hook. Then cut out some small man shapes and slide a paper-clip around their waist. A quick time-saver is to cut a people paper chain and then divide it up. Add a twist by writing a task for the child to fulfil on each paper man.
Mirror Mirror
Stand opposite your partner. Copy your partner’s gestures. E.g. lift your right arm and your partner will lift his left, smile and your partner will smile, etc
Fishing for…
You’ll need plenty of items, small multicolour balls/beanbags work well in a group, or if you are at home, any item from around the house. In this gathering game, you gather things that share an attribute, perhaps a colour or a shape etc.
Follow the leader
A classic copying game that takes you on a journey around your space.
Tag or catch
Another classic but perfect to get the wriggles out and still links well.