Feeding 5000 (John 6) | Craft 2

This is a JWL favourite craft, a spinner reveal for that shows the baskets of leftovers after the 5000 had eaten. It’s one of those crafts that look harder to do than it is, especially as there is more room for error than you may imagine, though it does require a good level of cutting skill.




For this craft you will need the PDF printout (1 page per child), scissors, & sticky tape.

For printing in Colour PDF – one page
For printing with No Colour PDF – one page


Separate the bottom section by cutting through the double line. Then cut along all the grey lines to create 3 shapes each with a small slit, and one larger piece with what looks like a half cut out bit.


If you’ve been technical and cut with a craft knife skip this step, but for those of us who have needed to cut through the bottom of the display piece with scissors, now is the time to close the gap back up with a piece of tape.


Find the smaller piece with the baskets of leftovers on it – labelled ‘A’ on the printout. This is going to slide behind the piece that is attached to the card. from the other side you’ll see that both the central slit and the curve around the edge line up, with the tab sticking out the side.


Take the two remaining pieces – labelled ‘B’ and ‘C’ – and line up the central slits. They should look like this. (That is piece B on top)


Time to combine. Keep the pieces with their partners and slide the 2 sets of slits together. Really this looks a lot more complicated than it is.


Slide the pieces round until the tabs align, the little tab attached to the image of the boy and Jesus should point down, the bigger tabs need to be on-top of each other.


Time to secure your creation by sticking down the little flap that’s pointing downwards – dependant on your printer you may have to fold it over the edge of the card.


You also need to secure the 2 big turning flaps together, they should be the same size so glue or tape these. It shouldn’t be able to come apart now, and you can have fun spinning it round and round revealing the two images.

Add any additional decorations now if you wish!





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$ 7