David Danced (2 Samuel 6) | Craft 2

David Dances Balancing Craft

We all dance differently, and by the reactions in this story, David’s dancing style wasn’t up to much. This dancing David craft has him jiggling and wobbling on the end of your finger. I can honestly say this craft has captured my home, it’s sat on the coffee table all week and been much played with (usually with the finger on the other side!)

David Dances Balancing Craft setup

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, 3 craft sticks, tape, and some sticky tack. You may also want some superglue if you are working in a very hot place.

David Dances Balancing Craft cut

Cut out David and place him to one side.

David Dances Balancing Craft point

We are going to use the template to make the balancing frame. Take one of the three popsicle sticks and make a point with a sharp pair of scissors.

David Dances Balancing Craft assemble

Lay the three popsicles sticks on the page template, making sure they are equally spaced on each side.

David Dances Balancing Craft frame

Fix the popsicle sticks together using the sticky tack or glue.

David Dances Balancing Craft weights

Now we require the counterweights. For this, we will use two 1 cm balls of sticky tack fixed to the two lowest points.

David Dances Balancing Craft connect

Attach David using sticky tape.

David Dances Balancing Craft position

IMPORTANT: You need to allow the point to be slightly below the hem of his garment. This picture is for illustration purposes, it can be much lower to look more dignified.

David Dances Balancing Craft final

David will balance on a finger and dance if nudged.

the Milosevic Family

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A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

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US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

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