David Anointed (1 Samuel 16) | Craft


This David Anointed craft is a last minute gift. It’s a simple idea incorporating the key idea of the passage and the oil of anointing.


Print the PDF onto paper or thin card. You need to print the paper double sided and then split it into 2 parts, one part for each child. The two crown shapes should line up if not exactly then nearly.

Prefer the printout on 2 separated pages? Thanks to a request you can find the PDF here!


Punch two holes in the top of the card so that the finished piece can be hung up, thread a string through the holes and tie on the colourful side of the card.


Now comes the fun part, we see only a blank crown but God sees deeper than that. Give each child a paintbrush and soak a sponge in oil (using a sponge will help them regulate how much oil is on their brush). For safety work with a paper tissue beneath your work. Lightly brush over the white crown revealing the colourful hearts.


Use crayons to finish decorating your hanging and display in a bright place.




Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 13