Centurions Faith (Luke 7) | Craft 3


When it comes to the story of the Centurion’s Faith the phrases – ‘One shall tell another’, ‘relaying messages’, and ‘domino effect’ were high on my list of ideas to ponder. The effects of all those little messages meant that though the centurion didn’t meet Jesus face to face his plea was heard and met. I couldn’t resist therefore making some dominoes using the characters.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors and a glue stick. This craft works well printed on standard paper. There are 3 types of template in both colour and line art, if you wish you can order large packs of blank matchboxes online very reasonably.

Choose your template:

For printing the full box
PDF – 2 pages
For printing tubes / matchbox wraps PDF – 1 page
For printing characters only PDF – 1 page

For printing the full box
PDF – 2 pages
For printing tubes / matchbox wraps PDF – 1 page
For printing characters only PDF – 1 page


For Full Boxes : for bigger more sturdy dominoes

Cut out the box shapes.


Fold every fold so the ink is on the outside. (Mountain folds)


Add glue to the tabs and construct.


For Tube Boxes : for quicker construction, easier cutting or using as wraps around matchboxes

Cut out and fold.


Add glue to the smallest section at the end and secure in a tube, alternatively glue around an existing box.


For Characters only : for sticking to blank matchboxes or wooden blocks

Cut out the characters along the dotted lines. Glue into place on boxes or blocks.


For ALL :

Line up a domino run with the Centurion at one end, talk about possible orders. Encourage kids to team up to make the longest run possible.




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$ 24