Centurions Faith (Luke 7) | Craft 2


These felt finger puppets are just adorable to play with and have so many uses. Get the older children to make their own and set up a stage to tell the story or use them as your own story props, very young groups will also appreciate them for free play time.

Disclosure : I am posting this anyhow by request. Craft felt is hard to source in my location so I used a mixture of thicknesses and scraps.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, coloured felt, a glue stick, a black pen, the pattern printout, and either sewing thread and needle or a hot glue gun.

For printing with no colour PDF – 1 page


Cut out your pattern pieces.
Lightly glue each piece onto the felt in the colour chosen then cut out.
Remove the template piece when done cutting.


Once you have all the pieces for a character you can start attaching them together.


Sew or hot glue the body.
To make the centurion you must sandwich the headpiece into the body as shown.

Tip – don’t want to give your kids hot glue or needles, pre-make the craft to this point.


When making the centurion you must stop at this point and finish the helmet by cutting the plume into a fringe.


Add the face, hair and any other decoration.
While you could use hot glue or thread for this it will also work with a standard glue stick.


If you wish, add two dots for the eyes using a black pen.
The pattern contains a centurion, Jesus, a servant and a Jewish elder.




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