This small but important conversation transforms Simon-Peters purpose and future. He is to be much more than Simon the fisherman, he will be Peter the rock, the foundation of the church, the holder of keys to the kingdom of heaven. This simple 3d image shows the changes and is a great conversation piece.



The Canaanite woman’s story is one of an outsider, someone who doesn’t fit into the narrative Jesus is telling. Jesus has a choice, does he stand by the categories and identifying labels or let the love of God overflow from the Jewish chosen people to the meet a Canaanite need? Jesus chooses the way of love. This is reflected in this paper craft all about God’s love and other things we may use as qualifiers for our love.



The Canaanite woman fell to her knees begging Jesus to help her – this craft captures that moment. The way the craft folds makes the viewer the third party in the encounter, seeing both the face of Jesus and that of the woman. It’s a really simple craft, the hardest part is cutting out the smaller pieces so you may want to do that in advance for very young groups.



This bread of life craft uses the classic split pin wheel to reveal the message. It’s a super simple craft and great for younger groups or groups who like to colour.



This bread of life craft is all about piecing together the parts and while the final product may look simple it’s easy to get it muddled. You can make it more sturdy by backing it onto thicker card though it works well just with paper too.



Spin this little craft quickly to see the optical illusion, Jacob between what will be his two wives Rachel and Leah. It’s a simple stick and paper setup and perfect for a short or easy craft.



This simple Jacob, Rachel and Leah origami craft is a lovely puzzle to play with when made. It has 3 images to reveal – the mystery bride and the two sisters. When the veil is over the top there really is no way to tell who is under there.
This is quite a long post as I’ve shown every single, little, step but it’s a really easy craft to do.



This Jacob’s Ladder paper craft scene with it’s curved sky and layered clouds allows the child to look at the image from a variety of angles. Peering down through the clouds from heaven or up from the ground through Jacob’s eyes.



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$ 22