

Jacob and Esau may not be the best picture of brotherly love but rash decisions, silly tricks and family promises make this story utterly believable. These games will work for one child or many. Use the key to identify the best game for your group.



Under the stew – stick some pictures to the inside base of some bowls. Using dry goods like beans, corn, or flour cover the picture. Have the child move the ‘stew’ around to guess what picture it hides.


If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s heroes are Jacob and Esau, because they shows us the gift of Birthright.

Essential Teachers notes:
This story of Jacob and Esau, of the developing family of God, show that God’s plan already being shaped by more than just offspring and inheritance. The plan is being molded by the characters and traits of those who make up the successive generations. This stark encounter shows how seemingly insignificant moments can rewrite entire histories.

Main Passage : Genesis 25

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The star in this story is no so much either brother and their dim-wittedness or cruel bargain, but a lumpy bowl of red lentil stew. Make your won bowl of stew in this 3 dimensional papercraft. You could make it extra authentic by sticking some lentils inside.



Jacob and Esau have this strange little passage in Genesis where the birth-right is sold for something as insignificant as a bowl of stew. It’s got all the hallmarks of a family ‘in-joke’ and yet this odd little conversation of two young men handing over birth-rights like a candy bar will echo down thought Jacob and Esau’s story. This very simple papercraft captures the moment it happens.



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25).

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)


English – scroll down for extra’s




Extra’s – separate graphics (English Only).




This story about the lamp lighter or the underlying passages about lamps and lamp stands are key Christian concepts for kids to grapple with. They use a very tactile and easy to demonstrate element – light. As such all these games play on the idea of light and vision and may need a darkened environment to work fully. Please check if your teaching area can have dimmed light before selecting the best activity for your group.



Water the camels – the servant knew God had lead him to Rebekah when she offered to water the camels. This simple relay race has the child moving ‘water’ from the well to the animals. Use a large bucket of water and a cup to move it. If you can’t get wet in your space then use shredded blue paper.


If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s hero is Rebekah, because she shows us the gift of a wife.

Essential Teachers notes:
Isaac and Abraham have lost Sarah to old age and Abraham is probably more than aware his days are now numbered. He’s looking to secure the next generation of God’s people through his son, obviously the next generation means he needs a wife and none of the locals will do. This passage is full of imagery, it’s a lovely passage to act out. As always these are springboard notes, feel free to use your own expressions and words.

Main Passage : Genesis 24

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