This simple Jacob, Rachel and Leah origami craft is a lovely puzzle to play with when made. It has 3 images to reveal – the mystery bride and the two sisters. When the veil is over the top there really is no way to tell who is under there.
This is quite a long post as I’ve shown every single, little, step but it’s a really easy craft to do.



If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s heroes is Leah because she shows us the gift of Deception.

Essential Teachers notes:
There is so much you can draw out of this story of Jacob finding his family and falling in love with the youngest daughter of a relative. There is also lots of trip wires – Why did Leah need to marry first? Why did her father not find her another suitor? Why does Jacoob agree to keeping a second wife when he clearly loved another? How drunk was he the evening of his wedding not to notice? While this passage may lead to interesting questions the actual narrative is quite straightforward.

Tell this story or a similar one of your choice from a favorite bible translation or story book.

Main Passage : Genesis 29

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This Jacob’s Ladder paper craft scene with it’s curved sky and layered clouds allows the child to look at the image from a variety of angles. Peering down through the clouds from heaven or up from the ground through Jacob’s eyes.





This story of Jacobs ladder dream has so many facets that could be spun off into games. the ladder, the stone, the voice of God. There is a selection here to suit a variety of group sizes and space layouts.



Soft as a stone – gather a selection of different materials. Have the children choose what is the best use for each material. eg thin cotton may be good as a bed sheet but would it be good as a trampoline? Wood may be good for a door but what about a slide? End with a stone. Would any of the kids like the stone as their pillow?


If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s heroes is Jacob because he shows us the gift of Promises.

Essential Teachers notes:
Leaving is always tough and for Jacob to go and have to find a wife from a distant land when his bother already had two local girls whom he called his wives but have felt unfair. Going when your brother is seeing red and leaving the care of the family household in his hands must have seemed mad. It’s not surprising that it’s at this moment when all seems lost that God steps in and Meets Jacob, reminds him of the birthright he inherited and how land and flocks and tents are nothing compared to God’s promises.

Main Passage : Genesis 28

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There are many Jacobs ladder crafts out there for this passage, and that’s great, but when reality hits and the dream is over I love how this craft captures Jacobs response. He wants to mark this place as holy, mark the experience and promise with something tangible. The practice of marking things with stones or piles of stones (cairns) is well practiced in many cultures.

I’ve used packaging card for this craft but you could just as easily use craft foam, or real stones. Make sure your glue suits your chosen materials.



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Jacob’s Ladder (Genesis 28).

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)









Jacob and Esau may not be the best picture of brotherly love but rash decisions, silly tricks and family promises make this story utterly believable. These games will work for one child or many. Use the key to identify the best game for your group.



Under the stew – stick some pictures to the inside base of some bowls. Using dry goods like beans, corn, or flour cover the picture. Have the child move the ‘stew’ around to guess what picture it hides.


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