The passage rotates around a simple question and answer. Jesus asks his followers and Simon-Peter answers. This sliding mechanism is a firm favorite, once you’ve figured out how to add the tabs it’s really quick and suits groups that want to colour their own well.



This small but important conversation transforms Simon-Peters purpose and future. He is to be much more than Simon the fisherman, he will be Peter the rock, the foundation of the church, the holder of keys to the kingdom of heaven. This simple 3d image shows the changes and is a great conversation piece.



Who Am I? Simon-Peter-Play


Jesus asks a seemingly simple question and suddenly the slow meander to find food for Jesus’ friends becomes a pivotal moment. There are so many symbols and ideas packed into these few verses, identity, naming, foundations, kingdoms, keys… here are just a few games to get you started.



Incomplete – using the jigsaws to give the child 12 pieces with only one complete picture. Talk about how God knows us completely and wants us to know him. the pdf is accessible by clicking on the picture.



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to ‘Who Am I?’ or Simon to Peter (Matthew 16).

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.
There is also a partially coloured picture with this set.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : Some images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)






Extra’s – (English Only).




If you want the teachers page then please click on the image for the pdf.

Today’s heroes is Simon-Peter because he shows us the gift of Foundation

Essential Teachers notes:
This short conversation with Jesus’ tired followers is a pivotal moment. For Peter to speak out with such assurance is surely a divine revelation but he probably wasn’t the only one thinking it. Peter’s boldness is richly rewarded, not only does he get a new name he is also given the keys to the kingdom. This passage lends itself well to being acted out and this retelling would work as a narrated script.

Tell this story or a similar one of your choice from a favorite bible translation or story book.

Main Passage : Matthew 16

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The Canaanite woman’s story is one of an outsider, someone who doesn’t fit into the narrative Jesus is telling. Jesus has a choice, does he stand by the categories and identifying labels or let the love of God overflow from the Jewish chosen people to the meet a Canaanite need? Jesus chooses the way of love. This is reflected in this paper craft all about God’s love and other things we may use as qualifiers for our love.



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