Wake up Samuel from him slumber with this simple split pin craft.

Both colour and outline templates are free to download at the end of the post. The template includes a photo, materials list and instructions or follow along the step-by-step photo’s on this post.

To make this craft, you will need the 1-page template printout, scissors, a craft knife, hole punch, and a split pin (brad).

Use a craft knife to cut along the dotted line.
(For younger groups, do this before you start.)
Then, cut out both pieces.

Make holes where the small white circles indicate.

Thread the tail end of the Samuel piece through the slit.

Attach the two pieces using a split pin through the holes.

Move the tail piece to wake up Samuel.

the Milosevic Family

Help keep the free items on this site free by donating. This site supports my family as we live by God's great economy.

A4 size
(210 x 297 mm)

Download colour Download no colour

US letter size
(8.5″ x 11″)

Download colour Download no colour

This passage is a short story and quite a straightforward message. Samuel is called, but he doesn’t recognise the voice and needs the help of an older believer in learning how to respond.

This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.

Main Passage : 1 Samuel 3:1-10


This is where you’ll find an extra resources that have been used but not made their way onto the main site.

October 2022

This game features in the Persistent Widow Lesson pack.
It involves laying the tiles down in such a way as to form a continuous looping pathway. It can also be played competitively with two players. Each player needs a whole set of the tiles so two sets are provided in different colours.


File A4 Sized:
File US Letter Sized:


Cover image 10th leper

These are the Character resources provided for: The Word (John 1).

For each passage, there is a collectable card alongside high-quality character images and a colouring page. All other graphics are extra’s!

Click on the images below to see a larger version. Save the images by right click + ‘save image as’ (computers) OR long press + ‘save image’ (mobile).

These images are NOT copyright free.

These resources are provided for personal/classroom use only.
Use can use them for teaching, games, publicity, decor, big screen presentations, flannelgraphs, stickers, or any other non-commercial activity in your church, school, home, or organised group.
You may not use them in products you are going to sell – both printed and digital, or to upload the original images online, on websites, social media or in YouTube videos.
Any questions, please reach out to me using the contact page link at the end of the page.

Games to play for the 10th leper or thankful leper.

The story of the thankful leper lends itself well to group activities. These games play with ideas in the passage found in Luke 17.

How Many “Thank You”s?

All Ages

Small group

Requires setup time

Quiet game

Can be seated

Print the game by clicking on the image and downloading the file. Start with 10 people/counters and use a die/dice to move your crowd from Jesus to the priest and back again. Lose one or more every time you land on a space with writing! How many of your crowd of 10 can make it back to Jesus to say thank you? If you lose all your people, you are out of the game!
Link: Only one made it back to say thank you.

Printable game for the 10th leper or thankful leper.

Group Balance

All Ages

Any size group

Requires setup time

Noisy game

Space needed

Write some large numbers on a set of cards and shuffle them. Gather the children together and explain that the first number is the number of people in a group, and the second number is the number of hands or feet to be touching the floor. The group then gathers and works out how to balance with the number given. Smaller groups can just use the second number.
Link: Leprosy affects the feeling in your limbs; so lepers may need to work together to do tasks.

Musical Chairs

All Ages

Any size group

No Setup time

Noisy game

Space needed

Set out one less chair than there are players. Dance around the chairs until the music stops and then race to sit down. Anyone without a chair is out of the game. Have the last player, the winner, thank the other players for taking part.
Link: many were healed, but only one thanked.

What’s the time Master

Under 7’s

Any size group

No Setup time

Noisy game

Space needed

This is a nicer version of what’s the time Mr wolf, and so the rules may well already be familiar to the children. The Master (wolf) holds a treat, biscuits perhaps, and rather than shout out ‘dinner time’ and chase them, he shouts out ‘prayer time’ and they all have to kneel down.


All Ages

Any size group

Requires setup time

Quiet game

Can be seated

Make a giant set from foam or card and play as a group, it’s a good thing to leave out as an option for distracted children to go back to as well.

This passage holds a very straightforward message of thankfulness. Jesus did not heal for the praise, but showing gratitude is a skill we should all aim to model and foster in the youngsters in our care.

This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.

Main Passage : Luke 17:11-19


There are no shortage of sheep-based stories in the bible, and this little sheep craft could serve so many of them well.


These are the Character resources provided for: The 99 Sheep (Luke 15).

For each passage, there is a collectable card alongside high-quality character images and a colouring page. All other graphics are extra’s!

Click on the images below to see a larger version. Save the images by right click + ‘save image as’ (computers) OR long press + ‘save image’ (mobile).

These images are NOT copyright free.

These resources are provided for personal/classroom use only.
Use can use them for teaching, games, publicity, decor, big screen presentations, flannelgraphs, stickers, or any other non-commercial activity in your church, school, home, or organised group.
You may not use them in products you are going to sell – both printed and digital, or to upload the original images online, on websites, social media or in YouTube videos.
Any questions, please reach out to me using the contact page link at the end of the page.


Donations this month: target - $ 50

$ 24