This passage is a wonderful chance to get counting, hiding and talking about your gifts. Here is a selection of games that tie into various elements of the story, choose the one that would best suit your group, age range and setup.

Buried talent

Age group recommendation icon

Under 7’s

Smaller groups icon

Small group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Space needed icon

Space needed

Oh dear the servant forgot where he buried his talent and the master is on the way! Burry a ‘talent’ – in cushions, in a sandpit, in play dough, and have the child ‘dig’ to find it.

I have talents…

Age group recommendation icon

Ages 7+

Any sized group icon

Any size group

No setup-time required icon

No Setup time

Quiet game icon

Quiet game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

Each child/group has one minute to write down how many ways they can make someone smile. Dependent on time, have the kids demonstrate some of their suggestions, and /or challenge them to do at least 5 before they go to bed tonight.

Double it!

Age group recommendation icon

Ages 7+

Any sized group icon

Any size group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

This is a copy and multiply game where each round something must be doubled. The starting factor can be anything – a number, a gesture, an effect.
The number 4 – answer find 8 objects, 8 fingers.
A smile – 2 people smiling or a mirror.
A sound – an echo or an increase in volume.

Spinning coins

Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

Any sized group icon

Any size group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

The idea of this game is to double up, just as the servants doubled their masters’ money. The challenge is to spin pairs of coins, how many pairs can you spin at once? Talk about how much hard work the servants who doubled the money must have done and compared to the one who buried his talent.

Different Abilities Obstacle course

Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

Any sized group icon

Any size group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

Noisy game icon

Noisy game

Space needed icon

Space needed

Set up an obstacle course that feeds to your individual kid’s strengths. The aim is that some parts of the course will be crazily easy and other parts really tough. Examples: If one of your kids is tall, you could have a really high item or a really low limbo bar. If a kid is musical, you could have a challenge to play a tune. If the kid is really into dinosaurs, they must identify a certain dinosaur. A sporty kid may add a physical challenge. Don’t worry about trying to represent all the kids, just a handful. The idea is to celebrate how we are all gifted with different talents.


Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids (Matthew 25)

Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25).
Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : Some images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)






Extra’s – (English Only).







107-first servant107-first servant






The parable of the talents has so few moving pieces it is perfect to make a retelling the story craft from. This one uses lift flaps that you open as the story progresses to see how each servant used his talents.



The parable of the talents is very simple story for younger groups, we invest our ‘talent’ and it will grow or we bury it and it will remain the same. This craft is a really simple one for younger kids too, make a bag that contains your talent!


The use of the word talents in this story allows a beautiful double meaning. We are all blessed with talents and yet not equally, or at least not equally in our eyes. This story tries to keep to the idea that a talent was an actual sum of money and that is how Jesus’ listeners would have heard it, only bringing in the double meaning at the end.

This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.

Main Passage : Matthew 25:14-30

Biblical retelling of The Parable of the Talents  (Matthew 25) for youngsters.

Have you ever imagined what you would do if you were given a lot of money? That’s what happened in a parable Jesus told…

“There was once a rich man, and he was going on a very long trip. He wanted to keep his money safe, so he decided he would split it up and put it in many places. He called his three top servants to help.

The rich man had 8 bags of gold. Each bag measured one talent worth, that’s the same as 10 years’ wages. He gave the first servant 5 bags, the second servant 2 bags, and the last servant 1 bag, to look after. Then he left to travel.

The three servants looked at their money. What would they do with it? When the master returned, would he be pleased?

The first servant took his talent of money and went to work. He worked hard, using the money to make more money, the second servant did the same.

A long time passed and the master returned. He called the three servants and asked what they had done. The first presented the master with his five talents of gold and five more he had made.

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Share your master’s joy.’

Along came the Second servant. He returned the master’s two talents and two more he had made.

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Share your master’s joy.’

In came the third servant, carrying his one talent. He returned it to the master. He explained that he had kept it safe by burring it in the ground. The master was furious that the servant had not even tried to use the talent. He took the money from the servant and threw him out of the house.”

Perhaps we don’t have a talent for money, but what talents do we have? How can we use them?


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