Peter heals a lame man, there is no fanfare, no huge grand sweeping gesture, just Peter meeting a man and offering him healing instead of a few coins. Peter reaches out his hand and pulls the man up, and his legs become strong, and he stands. It’s a wonderful moment and one this little bouncy papercraft captures. Be Peter and reach out to the man with the slightest touch and he bounces up!
Jesus had left, the Holy Spirit had come, and with Peter at the lead, the new group of Jesus believers were growing rapidly. Signs and wonders abounded, but this is the first one fully written out for us. The lame man isn’t asking for healing, Peter is gifting it to him. This is part one of the story, the next lesson completes the narrative of what happens after Peter and John are arrested.
This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.
It was hot again, but it was still the best time to go to the temple because it was the time of afternoon prayer.
Good Israelites, like Peter and the other apostles, would pray three times a day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once at sunset. They would often remain in the temple courts afterwards with the others who believed the teachings of Jesus.
It wasn’t just “Jesus followers” who turned up; Israelites from all over the city would come to the temple for the afternoon prayer service. Some would see the new believers and ask questions. That was one way God added to the number of believers each day. Others would come too. People who sold things would gather outside the gates of the temple, and beggars would line the road by the gateway.
This hot day, a lame man had just been carried to his usual begging spot -beside the temple gate with the nickname “beautiful” – when he saw Peter and John approaching for the service.
He reached out his hand, with his head bowed, and asked if they had any spare coins. Most people walked right past or dropped their smallest coin for him to pick up, but Peter and John stopped.
Then Peter said, “Look at us!”
The man lifted his head. Would they want to see the face they were giving to or would they spit at him? He really hoped this would end well.
Then Peter said, “I have no silver. I have no gold. But what I do have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
There was no time to think, no time to respond because Peter grabbed the man’s right hand and pulled him up.
The man wasn’t sure if he was angry or scared. He held his breath, waiting for the crazy man to let go. Every time someone had stood him up, his legs had buckled, bent, and he would fall. It always left him with cuts and bumps and bruises for days.
But not this time. The man’s feet and ankles became strong. Peter let go, and the man was standing. No, he was more than standing. He was walking. He was jumping! He was dancing! He was going into the temple for prayers instead of watching everyone else go.
Well, you can imagine the chaos when he got inside and people started to recognise him. Everyone started shouting about how powerful Peter must be. Eventually, Peter stood up and put them straight. Peter wasn’t powerful; Jesus was. “It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as they all could see.” What happens next, is next week’s story.
Interruptions during worship are something we may be far too familiar with. In this passage from Acts 4, the church shares all they have, so nobody is in need, and we see the example of Barnabas giving. These games play on the ideas of gifts, sharing, and working together.
How many coins can you hold in one hand? Stack as many coins in one hand as possible and walk ten steps. Eventually, you won’t be able to hold any more. How many people could have shared this load? Link: God calls us to share, not hoard.
Controlled Destination
All Ages
Any size group
Requires setup time
Noisy game
Space needed
This simple group ball game uses a parachute or large sheet. The ball must touch each of the 3–5 destinations in order without leaving the parachute sheet. Destinations can be marked by making boxes with tape. Link: God’s family thrives when it works together.
Three Word Stories
Ages 7+
Small group
No Setup time
Quiet game
Can be seated
Make up a story as a group, taking turns to each say the next three words. Link : Everyone contributed. (Even if they were not controlling the story)
Divide and share
Ages 7+
Any size group
No Setup time
Quiet game
Can be seated
Sit the children in a circle or round a table and give each child a piece of paper. Ask them to fold it in half as many times as they can. 8 is the limit. Talk about how small we managed to make the piece of paper by keeping it together. Now get them to open their piece of paper up and tear it in half, placing one half in the middle of the circle. Repeat this until you have just a tiny piece of paper. How many times did they tear their paper when they give it away? Link to : we achieve more together than alone.
These are the Character resources provided for: ‘Shared Owners (Acts 4)’ – also called ‘Barnabas’, ‘the early church’, or ‘first church of Jesus believers’.
Each JWL lesson has a collectable card alongside high-quality character images and a colouring page that links to each lesson. Click on the images below to see a larger version. Save the images by right click + ‘save image as’ (computers) OR long press + ‘save image’ (mobile).
These images are NOT copyright free.
These resources are provided for personal/classroom use only. Use can use them for teaching, games, publicity, decor, big screen presentations, flannelgraphs, stickers, or any other non-commercial activity in your church, school, home, or organised group. You may not use them in products you are going to sell – both printed and digital, or to upload the original images online, on websites, social media or in YouTube videos. Any questions, please reach out to me using the contact page link at the end of the page.
This passage can be a little idealised and often the verses get pulled into economic and social theory arguments: but whatever we think of them, we know that the first Christ followers really did try wholeheartedly the ‘shared owner’ model. This paper craft is the key verse in this, taken very literally, the apostle’s feet became the resting place for gifts.
It can be difficult to know how to serve and imitate the call to be shared owners in God’s kingdom. This is especially true for children, who often have everything through their parents. This craft gives them an answer to draw upon. As you flip the various sections, you find suggestions for ways to serve God’s community.
We’ve over-spilled the lectionary this week to bring you an introduction to a face that is very familiar in the acts narrative -that of Barnabas. While his name is not really Barnabas at all, it’s Joseph, it seems this new moniker of Barnabas is something the Apostles bestowed upon him, suggesting a close familiarity in the burgeoning group. He is described as a Levite from Cyprus, so no rough fisherman, and was probably highly respected y means of birth. That his fields’ sale is enough to be mentioned in scripture shows it was almost certainly significant.
This retold version of the Bible passage is supplied for inspiration, feel free to omit or embellish to give it your personal voice.
Joseph, who everyone called Barnabas, had joined a new Jewish group in Jerusalem. It was lead by the apostles of Jesus from Nazareth. Jesus had not been an ordinary Jew; he’d been the Messiah, God’s own son that the Jewish people had been waiting for. He’d upset a lot of people because he wasn’t the type of messiah they wanted. Jesus didn’t lead an army or throw out the Romans; instead he told people to love their enemies, to care for those who were overlooked, and to be a servant to all. The authorities had killed Jesus, but death was no obstacle for Him. Jesus came back to life. Meeting Jesus’s followers had totally changed Barnabas’s life.
Those who believed in Jesus shared everything. Absolutely everything. They gathered together every day to pray, praise God, and find out how they could serve each other. The apostles would teach the truths they had learnt from Jesus, heal the sick and provide for the poor. Some of the women would cook huge meals and feed anyone who was there. For example, a man got a new job but had no shoes, and the next day a shoemaker brought him a pair. It was that kind of group; everybody shared everything.
One day, a man walked up to the apostles and laid a small bag of coins at their feet. He had sold something and wanted the apostles to give the money to those who needed it. The next day there was another gift laid at the apostles’ feet, and the day after that too! Barnabas prayed he would have something to give. He wanted to help the community of Jesus followers. It was a servant’s prayer, a good prayer, a prayer he hoped would make Jesus smile.
A few days later his prayer was answered. A man asked Barnabas if he would sell his field. It was a large field that had belonged to Barnabas’s family for many years. The man was really surprised when Barnabas joyfully shouted ‘Yes!’ straight away. He was so surprised that Barnabas had to explain that he hadn’t even thought of selling his field but God had answered his prayer.
The next day after work, Barnabas went to meet the other followers, unable to stop smiling. As soon as he arrived, he ran to the apostles so fast that he almost tripped… twice!. Then, he gently placed the bag of gold at their feet. Peter picked it up and tipped the contents onto his hand expecting a few small coins. As the bright gold coins rained over his hand and onto the floor, the apostles stood open mouthed.
Barnabas could have kept the money, but he had understood what it meant to serve even when it cost you. God had plans for Barnabas, and this was just the first step.