Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 13 are a beautiful attempt at pinning down what God’s love is, and these games will help you explore the passage deeper with your youngsters.
What love is
Print the 2 pages of the card game included with this pack and follow the instructions on the printout pages. This simple card game is suitable for 1-3 players and is a great way of learning the different attributes that Paul assigns to love. (click on picture for file!)
Link: The description of love.

Love is…
The leader calls out words. Those related to love (care, affection, like, etc), get no reaction, but when they say a word not associated with love (hurt, pain, mean etc), the kids make noise by pretending to crash cymbals or pounding on the table.
Link: We know what love is, even though it’s sometimes difficult to describe.
Finding love
Have a love hunt. Write the letters F,A,I,T,H,H,O,P,E,L,O,V and E on 13 hearts and hide them around your area. Have the youngsters find the hearts and make the three words.
Link: The final verse: 1 Corinthians 13:13.
Mirror Muddle
Use a small hand mirror to try to read something behind you( or look at a picture) and try to describe what you see to the rest of the group. The group could attempt to replicate the picture on their own piece of paper based on what the person looking at the original picture in the mirror says; see who can get the closest.
Link: We might try to explain God, Jesus, Christianity to someone, but we’ll never do a perfect job because it isn’t clear in the mirror (verse 12).