
Age group recommendation icon

All Ages

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Small group

Setup time required icon

Requires setup time

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Quiet game

Suitable for seated groups icon

Can be seated

Print the game PDF page by clicking on the picture. We order things to help us understand the world and how to act. In this game, you are given 5 random images and told to order them. How you order them is entirely up to you and no answer is wrong, but you must give a reason why. Are they in value order? Age order? Does the order tell a story? Etc. Link to the blueprint conflict resolution part of this passage.



Peter gets it wrong (Matthew 16)-Play


This is a passage a lot of people would rather skim, we don’t want to portray the angry Jesus who slings things like calling someone a devil. But this passage is so important to understanding not only Peter but the way the people of God could move from adoring crowds to chanting crucify. At the root of this passage Peter gets it wrong on the back of declaring Jesus the Messiah, his great high and painful low clashing back to back.



Nothing – Play this little board game, the rules are on the page but the basis is that you need to lose everything in order to win. You’ll need a lot of counters or coins. The pdf is accessible by clicking on the picture.



Who Am I? Simon-Peter-Play


Jesus asks a seemingly simple question and suddenly the slow meander to find food for Jesus’ friends becomes a pivotal moment. There are so many symbols and ideas packed into these few verses, identity, naming, foundations, kingdoms, keys… here are just a few games to get you started.



Incomplete – using the jigsaws to give the child 12 pieces with only one complete picture. Talk about how God knows us completely and wants us to know him. the pdf is accessible by clicking on the picture.





This story of the Canaanite woman is an encounter of healing, of acceptance, of determination and of an unlikely party receiving the abundance of God’s love. These games play on the idea that the Canaanite woman didn’t appear to belong in this narrative as well as the words Jesus used the the passage about dogs and tables. There is a variety of games suitable for different sized groups and spaces.



Table roll – You will need a big table for this one and some small balls, ball pit balls or table tennis balls would be ideal. Pour the balls over the table. Have the kids positioned under or around the table with baskets to catch them when they drop off the edges.



Bread of life-Play


This passage can feel a little abstract as it relies on symbolism so the activities suggested here stick pretty solidly with exploring bread. For the older kids we can spread out to the ideas of symbolism and the confusion of the crowd. There are some printable ideas here as well to try and give you variety without moving away on a tangent.



Bread dominoes – Print this sheet of dominoes and play a round. It’s a small set so double up if you have extra kids. Grab the printout by clicking on the picture.





This is a story of love and deception. Jacob works for 7 years with nobody tipping him off to the plan or requirement that the oldest daughter must marry first. These games tie into that number 7 and the idea of deception. Choose the game best suited to your age range and space.



Find Rachel – This simple pairs game can be printed by clicking on the image. It contains 8 pairs to find. Separate the cards, mix then place face down. Turn 2 cards to try to match the pairs. If they match leave face up otherwise reset.




This story of Jacobs ladder dream has so many facets that could be spun off into games. the ladder, the stone, the voice of God. There is a selection here to suit a variety of group sizes and space layouts.



Soft as a stone – gather a selection of different materials. Have the children choose what is the best use for each material. eg thin cotton may be good as a bed sheet but would it be good as a trampoline? Wood may be good for a door but what about a slide? End with a stone. Would any of the kids like the stone as their pillow?




Jacob and Esau may not be the best picture of brotherly love but rash decisions, silly tricks and family promises make this story utterly believable. These games will work for one child or many. Use the key to identify the best game for your group.



Under the stew – stick some pictures to the inside base of some bowls. Using dry goods like beans, corn, or flour cover the picture. Have the child move the ‘stew’ around to guess what picture it hides.


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