As part of this years update Anna is getting a new craft to go with the various labyrinths. If you want something paper based then why not make this little stand up character, complete with a baby Jesus.



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Anna (Luke2).

Each hero’s page set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)






Anna (Luke 2)Anna (Luke 2)




Anna (Luke 2)Anna (Luke 2)



The story of Anna does not hold any obvious craft elements, however, the the idea of contemplation, spending time with God, journeying to a known goal and prayer are wrapped up in the use of labyrinths. There are many ways to make a labyrinth, and while the most memorable are often large scale, finger labyrinths are often used as a way of calming children and those in times of stress. Here are 3 ways to make your own finger labyrinth. Once you have finished your creations try them out using the prayer Jesus taught his disciples.

Use the titles below to jump directly to the method you wish to use or read on for all the ideas.

Stitches, Scores or Scrapes / Snakes


This updated3worksheet about Anna is suitable for older age groups, there is very little writing, but lots of discussion, some speech bubbles to fill with ideas (pictures if you wish), and 2 labyrinths. The worksheet is designed to be printed in colour but will work in grey-scale.

The sheet starts with re-examining the story. it combines comprehension questions with discussion starters. The words of Anna are not recorded anywhere and so it makes a good exercise to imagine the content that was spoken or sung. The labyrinth’s have been started and it’s simply a case of drawing circles from the topmost unattached point or line on the right to the topmost unattached point on the left.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the image.


The hero in this story is Anna, she is part of the ‘friends of Jesus’ series as her story directly involves him. Please note this lesson is not about Simeon, though the narratives are similar – Anna is focused on to give a better gender balance to the hero’s


observations tray – This is an oldie but really suits the idea of Anna looking for baby jesus. place a random selection of items on a tray, give the children a 30 seconds to memorise what’s there. remove the tray and return it minus one object – what’s missing?

Baby bingo – Print the accompanying PDF sheets and make sure each child has a bingo card. Call out descriptives of a baby for them to stamp off – eg eye colour, clothing style, hair length. Play a line and then a full card.

If you want the teacher sheet then click HERE

Anna is today’s Bible hero because he showed us the gift of Prophecy.

Essential Teachers notes:
The story of Anna may seem very brief, and is often tagged onto Christmas teaching programs, but the descriptive Luke gives shows that this is no bit-part in the story of Jesus’ childhood. The story below tries to hint at a few of the clues he left for us there, but I’d encourage teachers to read a little research on the character if they are able. This story is designed to be read in a story-time fashion and it may be nice to have an older woman playing the role of storyteller if possible.

Main Passage : Luke 2

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