Be Quiet – Unclean spirit (Mark 1) | Craft 1


The ‘Be Quiet!’ or ‘unclean spirit’ passage is a story about a character who shouts out. This lends itself well to puppetry! The kids will be having full blown conversations with this craft. I can imaging it won’t just be Jesus who is tempted to shout ‘Be Quiet!’ after a while, but making a story memorable by engaging with it is the aim of bible crafts!


To make this craft you will need the 1 page template printout, scissors, and glue.

A4 paper templates

US letter paper templates


Cut out the 3 shapes.


Taking the large shape fold along the edges of the mouth and across the centre of the mouth


Glue the two eyes together.


Glue the chin together.


Take the finger supports and fold along the dotted lines.


Glue the two short ends together so they overlap entirely.


Glue the two finger supports behind the mouth – either side of the middle fold.


Slide your pointer finger into the top support and your thumb into the lower support to make your man talk.




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$ 16