Aaron and the Manna (Exodus 16) | Craft 1


Manna just appeared for Aaron and the Israelite’s, the sun came up not only dispelling the nights blackness but revealing a morning gift. This traditional magic window craft does a similar job of transforming the Israelite’s world with both Manna and Quail. It’s a simple craft to prep and suitable for a whole range of ages.


To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, a glue stick, a black pen and I’d recommend a staplier. There are 2 pages to this temple and one must be printed onto acetate – however the acetate piece is duplicated on the sheet so you’ll only need one printout per 2 crafts.

Choose your template:

For printing in full colour (for those with less time) PDF – 2 pages
For printing with no colour (for those without colour printing or who like colouring) PDF – 2 pages


Cut out all four pieces, these aren’t difficult and the cutting does not need to be exact.


Line up the acetate with the coloured background. This is important and worth adult supervision as it’s the basis of the transformation


While you could glue the two pieces together I found stapling these yielded the best results.


Once attached add the pull tab.


Slide the blank piece between the coloured background and the acetate.


Turn your craft over and fold the long thin pieces inwards. This will create a ‘stop’ when you slide your craft preventing it from coming fully apart .


I’d recommend adding a sad mouth to Aaron at this point. Place your finger under the acetate to find the correct position.


Your magic window craft is now complete. As you slide the two pieces apart Aarons frown should literally leave him and manna will appear on the ground and in the basket.




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