10 years of JWL – Day 4

10 years of JWL

It’s been 10 years and I’ve loved being able to resource teachers across the globe though Jesus without language.

To celebrate I’ve made up a pack of teacher resources and I’m releasing one part each day for the next 10 days.

This weeks offerings are all about placing us in the right place as we embark on teaching. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been teaching for years or your just about to start you first session these pages are helpful for you to paint a clear picture of how you approach your teaching time.

Today we are doing a foundation one: Scripture.

Scripture can be tricky to grasp for every age, and sometimes it feels like we need a PhD in Theology to work out how to teach a preschooler. Other times, the passage can feel so familiar it’s hard to get excited. While the old adage of reading around the passage is often the simplest way to help, here are other ways of reframing passages to teach.
Click on the picture for the PDF.

10 years of JWL day 4 pdf


Find all the parts so far by clicking on the image below
all the parts



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$ 24