I love this idea but it’s defiantly a special project that needs a bit extra time to make or at least preparation. Sarah and Abraham’s descendants were as many as the stars, this craft comes from the idea that we are all now part of God’s chosen family, stars of Abraham if you will. The hat is easy to construct though I’ve set out some alternatives below so you can adjust it to your resources. star hats


Sarah and Abraham
This Sarah and Abraham worksheet is a bit of a mix of ideas. It looks at the covenant promise not from the idea of circumcision but from the perspective of one promise in series. It then explores the idea of names, ending with the idea that, through Jesus, we are a named member of God’s chosen people. Plus there is a little dot to dot, or more specifically star to star, activity.

To complete the worksheet you will need something to write with. You may also choose to have some colouring pencils to add complete the picture..

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

Answers: 4 promises: 1, Noah, never destroy the earth. 2. 10 commandments, the nation of God. 3. David, the king from who will come a messiah. 4. the Cross, that we are all saved by Jesus’ sacrifice. Star picture : follow the lines and draw a baby.


Sarah and Abraham were old and so was the promise made to them, but their belief in this old promise is inspiring even today. These games link into that promise, particularly the ideas of waiting, naming and stars.

Glow stars – this is a memory game using glow in the dark stars, you can either buy these or buy glow in the dark paper. Make the space you are in as dark as possible filling it with artificial light only. Cover the room with glow in the stars, or cover trays with stars if you can’t get into the space in advance. Gather the children and have them close their eyes while you lower the lights. The children then have a short time to try and count the stars. Repeat making the time gap longer and longer.

I see in the stars! – this is a imagination game. You need a large handful of beads, rice, or something small to represent stars. gather your children round a large tray or piece of fabric and ask them what they see, then scatter the ‘stars’. If the children are reluctant start off by finding geometric shapes, then faces. It’s amazing what they will see.


Sarah and Abraham’s promise from God was quite literally written in a star, and this paper craft commemorates that by turning stars into babies. Quick to prepare and easy to do, it’s a great craft for the younger children or groups that are very limited by time. Star babies



Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 17).

Each hero set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)


English – scroll down for extra’s


46-Sarah and Abraham46-Sarah and Abraham




46-Sarah and Abraham46-Sarah and Abraham


Extra’s – separate graphics (English Only).



Today is a guest posts from Jesus Rolan over on Crafting the Word of God. His site is full of creative ideas and well worth adding to your bookmarks.

It’s a wonderful blessing to be able to bring you this post from him today. Here he is to explain:
Abraham Constellation Tube


Hi my name is Jesus and I am the owner of the blog Crafting The Word Of God. On it you will find lots of of Bible crafts, coloring pages and Bible lessons. I have been a follower of Jesus Without Language for quite a while now. Both of our sites have a common goal; to offer free resources to help children’s ministries around the world and I was excited when Kate presented me with the opportunity to guest blog on her site.


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$ 7