The basic idea for this craft has been circulating the various craft boards for a while and it could be connected to any healing story, but I’ve chosen this one deliberately. Simon-Peter’s mother-in-law was family, healed by Jesus’ touch. We can still send Jesus’ touch to those people in our church family, and community through his children, brothers and sisters in Christ.

JWL-hug card


This worksheet is a short independent or small group activity connected to the healing of Simon-Peter’s Mother-in-law story. It can be completed by a range of age groups. The first part discussion overlaps with the story getting the children to examine how their reaction may have been different. The children will need glue & scissors if you wish them to cut and place the missing pieces.
Please send me an e-mail if you would like the sheet to read either “Simon’s Mother-in-law” or “Simon-Peter’s Mother-in-law”, and I will e-mail you a copy.

The PDF can be downloaded by clicking on the image.

If you want the teacher sheet then click HERE

Simon-Peter’s Mother-in-Law is today’s hero because she showed us the gift of Health

Essential Teachers notes:
This story uses Simon-Peter (delete which ever half of the name you wish). It is assumed that most teachers will choose Peter as it gives the character more continuity throughout the stories.

The story is told from a third perspective, that of Simon-Peter’s wife. This is a lovely story to act out as a mime. include the food groups if you wish. You may want to write the 3 questions out, in large letters, on separate sheets of paper. These can be discussed after the story, the ‘answers’ are only suggestions!

Main Passage : Luke 4
Other passages : Matthew 8



This is a really simple, yet visually effective craft which uses the minimum of materials and can be done straight from the printer. It could be done with younger children though they could need help with cutting – though there is more room for error than you may imagine!



The hero in this story is the (unnamed) Simon-Peter’s Mother-in-law. The games play on the three ideas of links to Jesus, healing and touch.

Holding on – Give the youngsters tape, paper and scissors to make paper-chains. Get the youngsters to construct a paper-chain that links everybody’s wrists together. Talk about how we all came to church because of somebody we are linked to – a family member, a friend, etc. then stand up and try to move without breaking the chain… this probably won’t last long. Say that even though we came to church because of somebody else we are each loved individually by God.

Plastering balloons – This is a messy game that can be played with water in the summer. you need at least 1 balloon per child, tape or small sticky plasters and a sharp pin. Before you give the balloons out make 3 or 4 pin holes in them. give the children a balloon and say it’s broken, but they can fix it. the game starts when you shout start and ends when either all the balloons are fully inflated, or the first balloon is fully inflated.


Here are the images you need for the hero’s attributes linked to Simon-Peter’s Mother-in-Law (Luke 4).

Each hero’s page set contains a high quality graphic of the character, a take home bible card and a colouring page.

The images are displayed small here, click on the image you wish to have, then save the image that loads.
(Please note : these images have no watermark but are not copyright free, they are only intended for classroom use.)







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