Abram (Genesis 12) | Craft 2


The story of Abram is the root of not only our faith, but many others around the world. The beginning passage however is quite simple, it has a great promise made only in words, without concrete objects or analogies. This craft brings our attention back to the character God chose.


To make this standing character you’ll need a PDF printout some sticky tape and some glue. The Printout has 2 pages, the first in colour and the second is left blank for you to colour in.


Cut around the outside of all the shapes. The hands can be a bit tricky so if you have a young group you may want to do this in advance or use hand shaped stickers if you can find them.


The main piece has a few extra cuts. Cut along the line at the top going from the head to the edge, then continue to cut round the head until you reach a stop line. Repeat this on the other side of the head. There are also 2 extra cuts along the top of the belt until the stop marks.


The body is bent to stand using the 2 plain rectangles. The smaller one is attached to the waist and the bigger one to the base. Use sticky tape to do this.


The arms are formed by rolling the pieces that go around the head. Roll them into a cone with the narrow end being at the shoulder.


The arm sits in-front of the waist line. This may take some time to get looking right. Ideally the end piece will be at the front.


Repeat with the other arm piece. When you are happy with how it looks I would recommend using a line of glue down the inside of the arms or sticky tape to secure the arms into place.


Add the sash. The two pieces join together at the shoulder so the pattern is always facing the front. Glue these into place. You can secure the back piece by tucking it behind the waist band.


Lastly glue on the hands. These should stick to the arms with the staff in the left hand.




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